Limit your CRAP intake
Carbonated drinks. These are high in fructose, a type of sugar that is produced by the lover as a toxin when your muscles don't use it and then stored as fat. It is thought that one of the main causes of today's obesity epidemic is the high consumption of soft drinks and fruit juices, including natural orange juice.
Refined sugar. There is a saying “The whiter the bread, the fatter you get” This category includes white flour, white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. All of these are often combined in pastries, cakes, cookies and some cereals.
Artificial colours and flavourings. These are anti-nutrients which are often included in confectionery products, soft drinks, party foods and snacks such as crisps. “A” also stands for Alcohol, which is processed by the liver as a toxin and promotes fat storage.
Processed foods. Heavily processed foods such as party foods, sausages, hames and deli or smoked meats are more likely to contain all of the the above, plus trans fats, which cause weight gain and are considered a danger to health.
Why we can't resist C.R.A.P foods. So why don't people just stop eating high fat and sugar if they know they cause physical problems?
Scientists are still researching for the answers, but it appears that our brains have been wired to encourage the consumption of calorie-rich foods, even at the expense of good health, simply put, these foods bring us pleasure.
One recent study revealed that an area of the brain related to addiction and reward, the nucleus accumbens, lights up when a participant is shown calorie rich, fatty food compared to healthy food.
Another area of the brain associated with pleased tastes and rewards, orbitofrontal cortex, is activated when we eat fatty foods.
People are increasingly being exposed to food but living more sedentary lifestyles and therefore burning fewer calories.
In fact some argue that the rise in obesity is a result of our bodies inability to adapt to the changing environment. (Which is the side I fall on)